For the past 21 years, artist Gugger Petter has worked with news as a main medium for her artworks. She admits that she is truly scinated with newss because it is like a diary of people&8217;s lives, it also presents her with a black and white color palette which she quite loves. Over the years, she has developed a unique weaving technique which she uses to be able turn the s...
Fabian Gaete Maureira, also known as arte100cia is a painter from Spain who can astonishingly make a detailed finger painting of a landscape in just a minute or two. via: arte100ciaDesigner&8217;s Depot: the best source for artists, designers and art...
Cool floral brushes by ginkoflowers from Deviantart. There are 6 brushes in the set.Visit the link to download them.Designer&8217;s Depot: the best source for artists, designers and art...
What does Tupac Shakur, John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy have in common? They were all tragically killed by a bullet. And artist David Palmer used bullet casings to make stunning detailed portraits of them. He hopes that people would see that these instruments of destruction can be used to create rather than to destroy. via: ifitshipitshereDesigner&8217;s Depot: the best...
Norwegian artist Edvard Munch described his well known painting like this:I was walking along a path with two friends the sun was setting suddenly the sky turned blood red I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety and I...