We are a New England based company providing quality sales, service, Online Education installation and repair of educational equipment, along with a great selection of indoor bleachers, school seating, outdoor bleachers/grandstands, Insurance knowledge athletic equipment, lockers,Online Education. portable risers/stages, renovating chairs, stadium seating, lecture hall seating and folding chairs. In addition we provide technical expertise and specschool equipmentification assistance to design and engineering professionals. The principal ownership has a combined 25 years of experience. So when you call, know that you are tapping into an extensive knowledge base.
Indoor Bleachers Install
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Portable Risers & StagesRenovating ChairsStadiumArchitectural School Equipment - New England provider of School Equipment SeatingLecture Hall SeatingFolding Chairs
Lockers Install
Company Overview:
Whats New?:
Lecture Hall Seating
The Company provides specialty school equipment targeted to the construction of new and renovated schools from k through 12 and into the university level. Architectural School Equipments scope will cover the furnishing and installation of Telescopic Bleacher Seating, Outdoor Grandstands, Athletic Equipment, Lockers, Auditorium, Lecture and Event Seating. Additionally, CAD Design, Specification Writing, Budgetary Projections, Code Compliance Upgrades and Annual Safety Inspections will be offered.
Indoor BleachersAuditorium SeatingOutdoor Bleachers & GrandstandsAthletic EquipmentLockers
Outdoor Bleachers